Site Assessment

Site Assessment

Why conduct a site assessment

Assessment of site contamination (site assessment) may be required either statutorily or voluntarily.

Site assessment is completed to gather accurate and complete site data to assess if any substance exists above background concentrations that present, or have the potential to present a risk of harm to human health, the environment or any environmental values under a given land use. Site assessment is required to be completed using methods that are compliant with current legislation, guidelines and industry standards. The site assessment process forms the basis of corrective actions that may be required to manage any identified risks.

How Enpoint approach site assessment

In Australia, the National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Site Contamination) Measure 1999 provides the national framework for site assessment, which recommends that the investigation of contaminated sites is carried out in stages. The staged approach is intended to progressively update the conceptual site model (CSM) while focussing and prioritising resources on the most critical risk drivers for the site.

Reporting of site assessment and management is completed under a staged approach as follows:

  • Preliminary site investigation (PSI)
  • Detailed site investigation (DSI)
  • Remedial action plan (RAP)
  • Site remediation and validation (SRV)
  • Site management plan (SMP)

In contracting Enpoint we will work with you to answer the following questions:

  • Why is site assessment required and what is your endpoint?
  • What are your alternatives to the site assessment approach?
  • How do we streamline the site assessment process without sacrificing quality?
  • Do we need to collaborate with other specialists to meet your objectives?

What site assessment services Enpoint provide

Enpoint is the expert in the following components of site assessment:

  • Soil and Sediment including Acid Sulfate Soils
  • Groundwater (in unconsolidated porous and consolidated fractured media)
  • Aquifer Tests
  • Groundwater Fate and Transport Modelling
  • LNAPL Transmissivity
  • Surface Water
  • Vapour Intrusion
  • Landfill Gas
  • Data Management and Visualisation
  • Statistical Analysis Preliminary and Definitive Ecological Risk Assessment
  • Qualitative and Quantitative Human Health Risk Assessment
  • Conceptual Site Models

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